
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Teaching at Bedecked and Beadazzled 2012

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

When last we spoke, I was only 3 hours into describing the last day of TNNA Fall Needlecraft Show. Let's pick up from there...

Approaching the noon hour, my chariot arrived; taking me to the land of Bedecked and Beadazzled. (Big thanks to Missy and Francis.)

It is certainly a magical place. Full of wonderment. And needlepoint, too. I had been invited to teach the Lotus Squared canvas by Zecca (ZE 134) to a full house. Seeing friends from Facebook was fun. I even met Ruth's mother, Bessie. What a jewel.

As with any Ruth Schmuff event, presentation is everything. Look at those awesome gift bags.

Before class, I took some photos of her shop. 

Look at all of those threads!

Yes, the rumors are correct: Lime Green walls and Leopard carpeting adorn her shop. There is even a black Chandelier, too.

Ruth has the most awesome finished models on display.

And, new canvases, too.

If you are into Pinterest, here is your Ruth Schmuff/Bedecked and Beadazzled board... just add lime green and leopard. 

The class was scheduled from 1PM - 4PM. Everyone completed the first stitched Lotus. From there, all they need to do is the Background stitch (Skip Tent), repeat 3 more Lotus designs, and call this project done. Did I mention it is on 13 mesh? Love it.

Ruth also took photos during the class. You can see them on her blog, It's Not Your Grandmother's Needlepoint.

I was also a customer at Bedecked and Beadazzled. What can I say? The lady has good stuff...

Here's some of the new things I brought home:

Snap Trays. I had some but they were already full. Now,  I have more. Gotta love the Snap Trays. (Thanks for the awesome design, Carol.)

Brads. Can't wait to add these to a canvas. So cute. Halloween and Snowflakes. I am an equal holiday fanatic.

More Accoutrement Magnets. All from Ruth's shop. The Bedecked and Beadazzled magnet is nice. Love the Hello Kitty, Elegant Kitty and the Butterfly, too.

Sequins from The Collection. I hadn't seen these, and let me tell you, when you need a little bling, these are good to have on hand. Need to enhance your stash? Just give Ruth/Bedecked and Beadazzled a call.

After class, it was my last supper of Baltimore Crab Cakes. OMG, are they so good! (And, having picked hard-shelled crabs the night before, I really appreciate them now.) But actually, it is also the company which brings them to the next level of superb-ness. New word? Go ahead and use it. 

I had the best time during these 4 days in Baltimore. Hope it isn't my last visit. 

Until the next time... Hugs, Robin