
Saturday, September 22, 2012

An Autumnal Equinox gift for you

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

Wishing each of you a pleasant Autumnal Equinox...

What better way to say hello to the first day of fall than a gift from me to you... the Pumpkin and Wheat Blackwork diagram.

Originally, I designed this stitch for the Katt Z. Witch (KCN 9125) background. A lot of effort for the tiny surface, but given a larger area, wouldn't this be a fun background?

Since this is a Blackwork pattern, be careful and follow the numbers so you don't see the travel threads.

Pumpkins and Wheat Sheaths and Black Cats, oh my!...   ♪These are a few of my favorite "autumnal" things.♬

I used 1 strand of Soot (Soy Luster #510) from Dream House Ventures on 18 mesh. Love that name, don't you?

I planned it out in Photoshop before I actually stitched on the canvas. Originally, I had the design with a larger scale, but reduced it to fit this area. You can do this, too. Sizing up or down. All you need is some graph paper.

Add the Pumpkin and Wheat Blackwork diagram to your personal book of stitches. Think of me when you stitch it, and send me a photo, OK? I would love to hear from you.

Also, any shop owners or students interested in this Stitch Guide? There are some great ideas... 11 pages for this Katt Z. Witch canvas by Kelly Clark Needlepoint (KCN 9125). Just let me know...

Here is an awesome link describing the Autumnal Equinox. Check it out.

Time to go look for a sweater. I feel a welcomed chill 'a coming.

Until the next time... Hugs, Robin

1 comment:

  1. Robin, I love this! Can you give anymore information about how, using photoshop, you were able to integrate the background onto the image? I would like to try that, but do not know where to start! Thanks, Courtenay Butler
