
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Ribbons at Woodlawn 2012

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

I have never been to Woodlawn but would love to go. My stitching designs, however, have been to Woodlawn, and won ribbons, too. Many thanks to Lori Mazza from
Waste Knot Needlepoint in Arlington, VA for sharing these photos.

I met Lori (owner of Waste Knot Needlepoint) several years ago when she took my
Katt Z. Witch class at TNNA. Since then, she has taken a few other classes of mine including the 3D Cake class (featuring DMC Memory Thread techniques) and the Fraidy Cat class (from the Creepy Characters by NeedleDeeva).

Longtime blog readers are probably familiar with both of these pieces, but for those new to the blog, here is a more direct link to review:  3D Cake and Creepy Characters.

I recently saw Lori at TNNA/Columbus market and she showed me her photos w/ribbons from Woodlawn. How exciting. Here is a summary from Lori.
Here are the pieces I entered into Woodlawn.  They all were in the commercial multi-stitch canvas category...  
I got a 1st place on the cake and an honorable mention on Fraidy Cat... 
As a shop, we put in 31 pieces for our customers and received 16 ribbons out of 31 entries.  
Congratulations to Lori and all of her wonderful stitchers at Waste Knot Needlepoint.

Let's enjoy her photos:

3D Cake by Associated Talents • CD1200
Stitch Guide by Robin King for DMC
Stitched by Lori Mazza /  Waste Knot Needlepoint

Fraidy Cat by NeedleDeeva • ND 0467-H
Stitch Guide by Robin King
Stitched by Lori Mazza /  Waste Knot Needlepoint

Antique Toy Alphabet by Alice Peterson • 3043
Stitched by Lori Mazza /  Waste Knot Needlepoint

Witch by Susan Roberts/Tapestry Tent • AP-430
Stitched by Lori Mazza / Waste Knot Needlepoint

Love the wooden finishings on Fraidy Cat and the Toy Box? Those were done by Sharon Hall at Mountain Shadow Studio located in Denver, CO. Your needlepoint shop can send your work to them for finishing, too.

Hooty Owl was also stitched by Lori and finished by Mountain Shadow Studio. Don't they make a handsome pair! Lori is certainly ready for Halloween.

Hooty Owl by NeedleDeeva • 0467-i
Stitch Guide by Robin King

Seeing one's stitch guides come into reality...  and winning ribbons... is so thrilling. Thank you, Lori for sharing your work our blog readers.

Until the next time... Hugs, Robin


  1. Congratulations! When shall we go to Woodlawn?

  2. Wouldn't that be fun? Certainly something to think about.
