
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hello Columbus!

Hi everybody… Robin here... In Columbus, Ohio.

The non-stop trip from Memphis to Columbus was wonderful. The person sitting next to me was a food inspector for the pet care company which makes dog food and cat food in Columbus, Ohio. I told her I have some cats who eat her company's food; it's a small world.

The taxi ride from the Columbus airport to the Crowne Plaza was very fast without any traffic drama.

I saw Vicky de Angelis/Team Deeva in the lobby, and we had a lovely dinner at Martinis.

Tomorrow all of the fun begins: assembling the NeedleDeeva booth and attending Sample It.

This evening I'm going to "chill out" and work on my blue Sugar Skull. He is my travel companion for the week.

Like I said, I am blogging via phone, so please excuse any typos, non-labeling, or if the photos are out of sync..

Have a good night and I will talk with you again tomorrow from Columbus!

Until then… Hugs, Robin.


  1. Looks like you have good weather! Here's to a fun market! Enjoy, looking forward to all the news.

  2. Thanks for keeping us updated. Can't wait to see the new stuff.

  3. Sounds like a fun time to be had this weekend. Hugs to you and give one to Vicky for me. Haven't seen her in a few years Sure like your skull and know you will make it look fantastic.


    Sue V
