
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sunflower and Berries (ND 309) - part three

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

Sometimes, I look to Nature for stitching inspirations. Same was true for the Sunflower on the NeedleDeeva canvas (ND 309).

When I am puzzled, I often do an Internet search. This time, Google lead me to some awesome Sunflower photos;  each showing a different phase of the Sunflower's life. My eyes were opened and the light bulb went off when I saw this wonderful detail.

This photo in particular really spoke to me. Look at the outer ring... it seems to be taller than the center area. Hmmmm.... how could I make my canvas do the same thing?

Stacked Beads, of course! They would tower above the center Seed area... and would still have a nice perspective for the upcoming Flower Petals worked in 13MM River Silks Ribbon.

The combination of Mill Hill Glass Seed Beads and Sundance Beads size 14 were the best for telling this story. Thanks, Mother Nature.

And, if you notice, I first did a 4-Way Continental stitch in the Brown area. It gave a defined grid which was very user-friendly for placing the Stacked Beads.

All in all, I am very pleased with the look. Hope you will be, too.

That's all for now... but, I'll be back soon. Until then... enjoy!  Robin


  1. Whodathunk, Robin? Great idea!
    Barb in Syracuse

  2. I am loving this! Cannot wait for you to finish so that I can get my hands on the canvas and s/g and channel my inner Robin King! (Thank goodness I have you on speed dial when my inner Robin takes a creative break, I can call for guidance!)

  3. You are a needlepoint goddess! Stacked beads. I never would have thought of that in a million bazillion years. That's why you are the woman!

  4. Thank you for choosing River Silks!

    Jill K Dutcher
    Marketing/Web Development
    River Silks Ltd
