
Saturday, January 21, 2012

TNNA / Phoenix 2012 - day one

Hi Everybody... Robin here... in Phoenix.

Thursday morning I boarded the big Delta plane for Phoenix. It was the smoothest flight ever... like riding on a marshmallow. It was fun looking through the window: as we passed over New Mexico, from the air, it looked like a foreign world. Absolutely breathtaking.

My stitching project on the plane is my personal copy of the 3D Cake from Associated Talents which I taught for DMC showcasing the DMC Memory Thread. I loved working this little canvas so much, I am stitching it again for me. Size 14 mesh canvas from Associated Talents... DMC threads... what's not to love?

The 3D Cake Embellishment class was very well received. On Friday afternoon, Shop Owners from all over the country attended the class. DMC brought stunning finished pieces with Memory Thread for the students to see. They were given time to work with the Memory Thread. I shared many of my helpful hints with them, too. I believe everyone was more confident about how easy it is to use, as well as how effective the results are. It was a successful class and I was honored to be considered for the opportunity to teach for DMC. Blog readers note: I will conclude the Memory Thread lessons when I get back home to Memphis.

Immediately after the class, I packed up my models and headed to Sample It. There, I dropped off the Lotus Squared piece to Zecca. It was her first time to see it finished. The black lacquered box was stunning. The threads, beads and ribbons jumped under the lights. Zecca was thrilled. It will be on display in the Zecca booth during market. I would encourage all shop owners to stop by and see it in person... Lotus Squared by Zecca (ZE 134) ... stitch guide by Robin King.

My other model on display was the HUGS pillow. The finishing was from Elizabeth Turner Collection,  and, as usual, they did an awesome job. HUGS was on display during Galleria at the Alice Peterson Company area. Such a thrill to see it finished and to show it off to the Shop Owners. HUGS will be on display in the Alice Peterson Company booth this weekend during Market. Shop Owners should stop by to see it in person and order it for their customers. Everyone needs some hugs, right? HUGS by Gayla Elliott/Alice Peterson Company (GS-11) ... stitch guide by Robin King.

Team Deeva was busy during Sample It. The Gooey Valentine's Day Hearts were a hit. I am so proud of their success.

Looks like this morning is getting away from me. Time for breakfast and then the Show! First day of Market. How exciting. I will continue blogging through out the event. So much to say... until the next time... Hugs, Robin


  1. I used to think my husband was nuts the way he's glued to the tv during the NFL draft each year. But I realized as I scour the blogs looking for sneak peeks at market that I am just as bad. :) Thanks for sharing, Robin! Your pillow looks great.

  2. Stitching by Robin all looks great! Have a good time and post a lot. Stephanie

  3. Karen is so right. I will never ridicule my husband again. I have gone over the new Melissa Shirley designs as if my life depended on it. I am trying to think of four people I need to stitch stockings for so I can do the Cottage Stockings!

  4. How can I get this canvas or is it not available to the public? Love this one!

  5. Hi Danielle. Great to hear from you.

    Both canvases are available from your favorite needlepoint store, and both designs come with my stitch guides.

    Lotus Squared (ZE 134) is by Zecca.

    Hugs is by Alice Peterson Company (Gayla Elliott, designer) (GS-11).

    Let me know if I can help you any further. Thanks, Robin
