
Monday, February 7, 2011

Hold on girls...and guys.

Stitch the birds before you stitch the background.  Amy has made the bird tails a little different than the painted canvas.   I had to take out a little of the background to accommodate the changes in the bird in flight.  However, I can't make a change to the crow on the pumpkin as his tail is already two threads from the edge of the design.  This may be another case of our canvases being painted differently than Amy's.  So have a good look at the crows and decide what you would like to do with their tails.  I have realized that it would be best to bead stitch the gecko before the background around him as well.

Also, when working the bird on the pumpkin, fill in more of a bottom on him to meet up with the pumpkin.  We will put the straw on top of bird, pumpkin and background.  Above is the way it is painted.  Below shows that I drew a small line the extend his body.

Stitch on!

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