
Monday, September 6, 2010

Housekeeping on the NSH blog

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

Hope you are enjoying your Labor Day. I've been doing some housekeeping on the Needlepoint Study Hall blog which you will probably enjoy using.

Peggy and I have contributed over 182 blog entries so far since last December. As of today, there have been 119 Halloweenies entries, 40 Haunted House entries, 18 Stirha Cal-dron entries, 21 Frank N. Stein entries, 13 Bride Z. Illa entries, 20 Zomm B. Groom entries, and 14 Dr. Acula entries. There are still three more Characters to come, plus all of the updates from Peggy as she concludes the Haunted House and the current Characters.

Here's what I've done for housekeeping... I've gone through each of the blog entries and labeled them accordingly. All of the Halloweenies have been labeled Halloweenies plus their Kit name of either Haunted House or Stirha Cal-Dron, Frank N. Stein, Bride Z. Illa, Zomm B. Groom and Dr. Acula.
The labels are posted to the right side of the blog and are titled Previous Topics. You can click on the Topics/Label hyperlink, and then all of the entries tagged as such will come up for your reading pleasure.

I believe this will be very useful for our current Halloweenies stitchers and those who join us later. Anyone will be able to see all things Bride Z. Illa, for example, simply by just clicking on the Bride Z. Illa hyperlink. So now as you stitch, even if it's not in time sequence with Peggy, you can see what was said about Bride Z. Illa. I will also do the same labeling for the remaining Characters: W. Herr Wolff, Sarcoph A. Gus, and Dev L. Mann.

I did the same for my contributions, too. I've labeled Katt Z. Witch, NeedleDeeva Heart #150G, Floating Cat, Kitty Bra and Tap Pants, MEOW tote, and the Merry Mobile.

Hope all of this helps. I really enjoyed re-reading the blog entries. Good stuff, indeed. Thanks, Robin


  1. Thanks, Robin~~ This blog is so fabulous!! Almost like being there (not quite) with you all, as we stitch Halloweenies!! Looking forward to hearing more about Melissa Shirley's Fairy ( have I got that right?) and your stitch guide for it!!

  2. Thanks Robin

    I am behind on the Halloweenies so your housekeeping will be very helpful for me. So many projects and can't resist a class when I have the opportunity. Sherry Bray said to say "hello" I am also doing a wine bottle canvas by Renaisance with her. It's all fun and Sherry always says how much fun you all had at Market.

    Sue VanderNoor

  3. Hi Barbi. Great to hear from you. Yes, the canvas is called Harvest Fairy. It should be announced at the St. Charles Market this month, and then I will be able to speak about it in the blog. She's cute.

  4. Hi Sue. Great to hear from you. Please send my hugs to Sherry. Tell her I've been approved for 2 classes in Long Beach 2011. Hope to see her there. The wine bottle canvas will be awesome. I wonder if Renaissance would ever do a "box of wine" canvas. Now you're talking!

  5. Thanks Robin. This is way cool! It means that no matter how long it takes us to finish, we can always find some tips...and just some company along the way.


  6. Robin....

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    This 'housekeepng' as you put it, will make it so much easier for us to find the particular project that we are needing help and/or tips with as well insight and pictures.

    Love your posts as well, so please keep them coming!!!


  7. Hi Susan. I love to straighten, re-arrange, and label things. It was my pleasure to do so in the NSH blog. Note, I didn't do any dusting. As long as you don't move anything, no one will know. LOL. Always glad to help. Thanks, Robin

  8. Hi Peggy,
    The labeling was fun to do. I really enjoyed reading the posts, too. Always glad to help! Thank you for this creative opportunity. Hugs, Robin
