
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Stitch Auditions

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

Today I thought I would give you a glimpse into my afternoon doings.

I am auditioning a stitch for an area of one of the canvases for the January 2011 TNNA. (Sorry about all of the secrecy, but I am a lady of my word.) Sometimes you know just the right stitch: you pick up the thread & needle and plow ahead. Other times you put it in, take out, scream, and try again with your canvas looking like a slice of Swiss Cheese.

I decided to preview the stitch on the computer. You could do this in Photoshop, but today I did it in my CanvasX program. After I plotted the entire stitch, I was able to step back and look at the big picture. Love it.

This brilliant idea was from Pat Ryan, Photographer (Business Visuals) and Photoshop Expert. Often he would see me struggle... and would calmly say, "Why don't you preview it in Photoshop?" At first, I resisted that suggestion.
I should know the best stitch, right?  Well, almost ruining a canvas from the "Swiss Cheese Method of Stitching" made me appreciate his calm words... why don't you preview it in Photoshop?

So here's the preview. Hope this journey was enlightening. Now it's time to Stitch with Success. Thanks, Robin


  1. Robin,

    What a great idea! Love the stitch. It really looks. Cannot wait for the great reveal.

  2. Hi Linda. Thanks for your kind words. Pat is a smart guy!

  3. Clever idea, Robin. I hope Photoshop helps out often. I hate test stitching myself, so anything that is easier than that is Great.
