
Monday, August 30, 2010

Biker Night with Robin and Jill

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

Remember I mentioned about going to hear Pat (my guy!) and his band, Pass The Pepper Jack, at a local club in Memphis? Well, they played on Wednesday evening.  Jill, from Amy's, joined me to hear the music... we had fun.

Here's a photo of Pat before they began playing. It was Biker Night. Great turnout. The Sidecar Cafe is conveniently located next to the Harley-Davidson business, and is also across the street from the Victory business. Talk about location, location, location!

Pat Ryan, drummer

Bikes and more Bikes

The night was also exciting because the International Space Station flew overhead at 8:28PM. The sky was clear and we saw it for the 4 minutes it was visible. Did you know you can see the ISS with your naked eye? All you need is their schedule, a clear night, and being in the path route. You can check your location with this website. (I have the link synced with Memphis; you can see where you are and adjust accordingly.) Here's one other interesting fact: it takes 90 minutes for the ISS to travel around the earth. Awesome.

Later in the evening, a new group of Bikers entered. OMG! What beautiful pieces of machinery. Jill and I stopped our needlepoint conversation and were in awe. We had to check it out! We met the owner/maker of the bikes you see in this video. Nice man. He makes Custom bikes... like $40,000 custom. Very informative.  As they were getting ready to leave, I remembered my little travel camera had a video feature... if I had known it would turn out so good, I would have filmed them longer... but you get the idea.

It was a fun evening. Thank you, Jill for joining me.

Enjoy your upcoming new month with Dr. Acula. He's quite a guy. Amy's e-newsletter will be online tomorrow. Those of you who receive the Constant Contact announcements will get the heads-up first. Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you... I got my confirmation message from TNNA that I will be teaching 2 classes at the 2011 Long Beach Winter Market: a Zecca canvas called 
Bird & Worm and a Melissa Shirley canvas called Harvest Fairy. I will be sharing their news, updates, photos and more... soon. 

Thanks, Robin


  1. Many congratulations on the classes. But they'd be nuts not to ask you, Robin.

    The bike show sounds wonderful. I will forward the link to Stepson who is motorcycle crazy. Now I'm off to stare at the Canvas Candy motorcycle and leather jacket set....

    Guess I need to stitch these for him. Time to start saving up.

  2. Hi Jane. Great to hear from you.

    The Canvas Candy sets (canvas & ornament) are the best gifts. There is one lady I know who is giving the blown glass ornament to the recipient this year, and will stitch & give the finished canvas to the same recipient next year. We will look forward to sharing your "Biker Experience" with all in Chilly Hollow.
