
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Painting the Merry Mobile - part two

Hi Everybody ...  Robin here.

Hope everyone had a nice week. Mine was fast and furious. I submitted two TNNA class proposals for the January 2011/Long Beach, CA Market. The first canvas is from Zecca. The second canvas is from one of Melissa Shirley's new designers. TNNA said they would make their class decisions announcement around August 27. I'll be sure to let you know what they say. Fingers crossed.

Next on the agenda for painting the Merry Mobile was to add the various shades of gray, silver, and white.  The effects are subtle on the computer; however, in person, there is a nice metallic shine on the counter top.

I did my best to try to create painted shadows and highlights. I also told myself the needlepoint will take everything to the next level.  The final phase of painting will be to tackle the background. Hope my mojo stays with me. Fingers crossed. Thanks, Robin


  1. Looking good Robin! What are you painting in the background?

  2. Your painting is nice, but you really should stitch count the shape of the bottom and also across the top before you paint it so it will be symmetric. This makes it look better both as a painted canvas and when it's stitched! I can see a "bobble" on the bottom on the right.

  3. Dagnabbit... I intended to post the 3 comments... clicked on the 3 buttons, but only 2 posted. Dagnabbit.

    Anywhoo.. Great words of wisdom from the great painters. Thanks for all of your help. I will definitely try to do better on my next attempt. It's such a foreign world holding a paint brush... much less, painting a canvas design from a Photoshop painting ... from a Childhood memory.

    I've always heard the words... Stitch Count/ Stitch Paint.... but never heeded the words. This is so wonderful to learn. Thanks to all who have held the paint brush before me.

  4. Sharon, I was intending to try to re-create Pat's original design... he had lighter colors surrounding the Merry Mobile ... kind of like a halo, fading to darker colors... in the Teal family. But, hey... I'm all ears when it comes to recommendations from those who have held the brush before me. I haven't even checked to see if there are needlepoint threads in these colors. I am on the tightrope!

  5. Well, here's the other Comment from Possibilities, Etc.: "Sharon is right about using something different for drawing onto canvas. You should never use a pencil or an eraser on canvas. Also, you need to stitch draw as you trace instead of just tracing lines so that it will appear to be more symmetric and not so uneven. Do use good paint brushes - the cheap ones just slow you down and wear out in a heartbeat."

  6. All of there are wonderful words for me and anyone who decided to bring a piece of art to the world of needlepoint.

  7. Good luck, Robin. Everything you learn from this design will translate into the next so don't be discouraged. This is a test, after all. You are learning, not turning out something perfect just yet.

    It looks lovely to me.

  8. Hi Jane. Thanks for your encouragement. I am learning, indeed. And, may I please take this opportunity to say your Cha-Cha is wonderful. Love the Ribbons.
