
Tuesday, July 20, 2010 Survey has done a survey on customer service in local needlepoint shops.  The results are shocking.   You can see the results and take the survey here.

Jane at Chilly Hollow has also expressed her concern.  Go here to see what she has to say.

You all know I work at and LOVE Amy's Golden Strand in Memphis, TN. Good customer service is paramount there.  Amy has put together a dedicated and passionate staff.  We would love to help anyone who has had a bad experience at their LNS or who does not have a LNS.

If you know of a great shop, please let us know about it.  I invite you to comment on good experiences you have had with a shop.


  1. I love Amy's shop and the people there. Since I'm far away, I love Homestead Needlearts. Great charisma, enthusiasm and "stuff" you need and don't need but buy. A pleasure after reading the negative shops around - this one can't be beat in our area

  2. By nature of the fact that we are all Amy's Halloweenies stitchers, I know that we all have had experience dealing with Amy's Golden Strand customers.

    However, I just wanted to state again for the record that all of the staff are polite, prompt, professtional, and willing to go extra efforts and ends to make the customer happy. Jill, Peggy, Robin, Amy, and all the others who I haven't dealt with but I know work so hard - Thank you!

    I have a LNS in Canada that, although passionate about the craft, is often unwilling to place special orders for threads or canvases, and has prices on products that are far in excess of other sources.

    As such, I have developed several online relationships with wonderful shops and shopkeepers in the USA who are more than willing to help me, and for that, I am grateful and thrilled to give them my business.

    In fact, I count a couple of my online/email girls as friends (that inlcudes you, Jill!).


  3. A grateful thanks to all at Amy's especially Jill. You are my LNS as I do not have one. I did post my positive experiences on, as I have been fortunate in my recent travels. I have encountered only positive experiences in Philadelphia and Honolulu. But, you all need kudos for for the fabulous job you do. I have never had a bad experience at Amy's, and I also consider Jill a friend.
    Thanks as always,
