Tuesday, June 15, 2010

It's a Wrap from the Columbus TNNA 2010 Needle Arts Market

What a weekend.  It is over far too soon.  I saw so many wonderful canvases and met so many special people.  I took three classes this weekend because I wanted to get the full market experience.

I used River Silks Ribbon for the first time in my Friday class.  Adrienne Spencer taught "Narcissus Bookmark," a canvas by j. child.  We started with the bargello background to get warmed up.  Then we built tall, graceful stems with the silks.  We used a great overdyed brown ribbon to make a padded bulb.  I want thank Rainbow Gallery, and River Silks for donating the supplies.

On Saturday, Cynthia D. Thomas taught "Crazy Corn," a canvas by a. bradley needle arts, inc.  This 3D piece makes up into a three inch piece of candy corn.  I would like to finish it as a little bowl and put real candy in it.  We warmed up with a slanted stitch combination and then tackled a laid filling stitch for one of the yellow areas.  Thanks to DMC, Kreinik, Rainbow Gallery, Sundance, and YLI for donating
the threads.

My Sunday class was so much fun.  The teaching tag team of Carol Gantz, Don Lynch, and Sandy Steere taught their Associated Talents canvas "Needlepoint Store Cottage."  We warmed up with a diagional stitch for the edge of the roof.  Then Don taught his beading technique.  We also learned how to make a basket with congress cloth.  Thanks to Caron Collection, Kreinik, Rainbow Gallery, DMC, Sundance, Weeks Dye Works, Access Commodities, and Fleur de Paris for the threads provided.

These were all two hour classes.  I wondered just how much could we learn in a brief two hours.  Well, I was pleasantly surprised.  The teachers had  lesson plans and opened up with a simple stitch.  Then we moved on to a stitch or technique we might have some trouble doing without some help.  The teachers went from student to student making sure we all "got it."  I can't believe how much I go done in the time allotted.

The classes were scheduled from 8a.m. to 10a.m., and then we were all off to the market floor.  We were able to store our stitching supplies in an area across from the event so we didn't have to carry them all day or return to the hotel room to store them.  TNNA has thought of everything. 

I had a terrific roommate this weekend.  Lisa Krause is an artist who makes wonderful wooden frames for some canvases by Maggie and Ewe &  Eye.  Lisa and her husband Jim have a company called Deux Bijoux Bijoux.   We had several late night girl talks and it was a joy to spend time with her.  Please check out her website and see some of her terrific work.  Thanks Lisa, for a truly fun time.

Finally,  I want to make sure that all of you know that this blog would not be possible without Robin King.  She took all of the pictures this weekend.  And she helped me make posts that were fun for us all.  I am so grateful to her for her time and talent.  And a big thanks to Amy for taking me along to needlepoint market.  If I never go to another show, I will die happy for having had this experience this weekend.

Alas, I must retire my name-tag with my first market pin on it.  I am going to hang it in my stitching room where I can see it and relive the experience.  Good-by from Columbus,  Peggy

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