
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Skip Tent

Hi guys,

I finished the tent stitch for the background of Frank N. Stein.  It is a fun stitch to do, but you have to be careful that you don't let holes show behind the canvas in the areas where there is no stitching on top.  Following the number system is very important.  Amy gives some tips on starting and ending threads.

I did a securing L stitch above Frank's head to get started.  ((this securing stitch is a problem in that when the finisher cuts around the head this stitch will come out.  Amy advises not to do it this way.  It would be better to have a long away knot to cut at the knot and anchor after you have some stitching done.  Sorry for the confusion.))  When I got to the end of some rows I decided to bury the thread diagonally on the back.  I kind of skimmed the thread under the existing row so as not to distort the threads on the top.  I found that it worked well for me.

There were other times when I was ending a thread close to Frank's coat and decided to do a securing L stitch in the coat area that will be covered up.

I sat and looked at the area before starting, trying to determine how and where to bury threads.  Then we received a phone call at the shop asking these specific questions.  So I knew others may be wondering the same thing.  So here is what I did.  I hope it helps.

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