
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Helen's Lace

Helen's Lace has become my favorite stitch. If you were to ask me why, I would say, "I don't know". It just makes me feel good. I first saw the stitch in "Categories For Needlepoint Stitches" by Julia Key H. Snyder. I was happy to see that Amy has included it in Halloweenies character #1, Stirha Cal-Dron. You can see that it is the lining for her cape. We will reverse the direction on the other side of her cape. That is another good thing about the stitch, you can reverse the slant for a different look.

You can also see my rocks in this picture. I pretty much let the colors fall where they may as I did them. I took Jill's advice and planned out my slants before I started. Although I did change a few as I went along. And refer to the picture that came with the guide to see where it is good to do basketweave. That will be around the cauldron and the bird, and is explained in the guide. These areas will get some interesting layers later.

I hope you are doing well. We would love to hear from you.



  1. Hi Peggy,
    Just received my witch yesterday, and unfortunately will be out of town for a while .... so as always I will be playing catch-up. I will following your progress on my handy dandy i-phone, and will be able to jump right into it when I get back!

    She look great so far, Keep on stitching.

    Jan Stone

  2. Better late than never! And OH MY...I am dying for an iPhone. They are so cool. My nephew works at the Apple store here and he helped me purchase a new computer. But while you are in there you can play with all of the Apple toys. I took a picture of the store with one of the phones on display and then emailed it to myself. When I checked it out here at home the sender was "Johnny Appleseed". And I thought I was the first person to do that!!!

  3. It was hair and makeup for Stirha tonight. She's quite a fright - I mean sight! Peggy, you're right, Helen's Lace is a lovely stitch pattern - particularly with the color variation in Waterlilies. I thought the twisted chain stitch made a great barb wire trim for the cape - it's a wonderful effect! It's time to move on to her dress. I hope everyone is enjoying this project as much as I am.

  4. Great posting, Peggy.

    Was "Helen's Lace" the same stitch which Judy did for her Merry Christmas pillow?

    Stirha is looking wonderful. I can't wait to see what's next.

  5. Thanks Robin. Helen's Lace is indeed the stitch that Judy used on her "Merry Christmas" canvas, (by & More), which is on the Gallery on Amy's website. It's really pretty.

  6. Ladies,

    Remember to savor every stitch ... in other words, don't go too fast! Two of your Canadian friends are again awaiting delivery of their Stirha packages.

    She is wonderfully wicked!


  7. Peggy,

    Perhaps the Canadian stitchers could have their kits shipped early. I would hate to have to watch while waiting for my kit. They have been very patient.

  8. Just wanted to let our Canadian friends know that I have not yet started either. I've been traveling for the past week, so I will just be putting her on stretcher bars tonight.

    And Peggy, thank you for your post. I enjoy hearing what other folks favorite stitches and threads are.

  9. Is Helen's lace known by another name? It looks very familiar, but I can't place it...
    An encyclopedia of needlepoint stitches…
