
Monday, March 22, 2010


I have it on good authority, (Jill), that Frank N. Stein has just about finished packing his bags.   He wants to get an early start to Canada and California.  He heard that Stirha fooled around and arrived late to some homes.  He doesn't want to have to spend the night in customs or some warehouse for several nights.  He is determined to arrive promptly and begin stitching.  He thinks he has the best outfit to stitch.  But he hasn't seen Brid Z. Illa.  She is a sight...well, just a sight.

I am so proud of Melinda.  She will be finished with Stirha A Cauldron in just a few days.  She worked a little on it every day.  Melinda, you are an inspiration.


  1. Peggy

    He is a real cutie!!! Love those shoes and that cat...will continue to have more fun. Wait!!!, is that more bullions for fingers? LOL

    Sue VanderNoor

  2. We are looking forward to greeting Frank in the Bay Area!

    We are also looking forward to flying Robin out to do all of our Bullion knots for us! :)


  3. Peggy - thank you for posting the photo of the finished Frank. I see many interesting features to look forward to. I did finish Stirha last night - loved the twisted lazy daisy stitch for the logs! I loved working on this project and learned so much! Thanks to Amy, Peggy, Jill, and Robin and all our fellow stitchers who comment in study hall!!!

  4. Love the little black cat. Robin will want to stitch him for sure!

  5. Just like Melinda, Lisa and Susan have been working on Stirha everyday - more than a little bit! With her arrival only a week ago, we initally felt more than a little pressure. However, all the tips and advice have been a huge help, and we are determined to stay on track in spite of our Canadian address.

    Big thanks to Jill for sending Frank along early. We will be ready!


  6. Hello Everyone....

    I have been developing quite a friendship and fondness with and for Stirha. She is quite a gal with a wonderful personality and dreadfully dedicated to stirring that brew. What could it be? Might it be a few of the geckos that didn’t get away?

    I imagined myself Vera Wang as I stitched her dress and wondered how many needle insertions it took to create the effect. Does anyone care to guess?

    Then I moved on to doing her make-up, loving the blush and how the red lips ‘popped’ her face. Amy, you are really a master at so many things…the blending of threads with amazing results…is definitely one of them.

    Blog participants, all your fantastic tips have helped enormously and Peggy, I have blown up all your pictures on screen to study your results! Thank you!!

    Frank appears to have many new lessons to teach us all. I will be up for the challenge and Stirha will be happy to have her boyfriend arrive.


  7. Have Bullion Knots? Will Travel.

  8. This is so much fun. Thank you all for sharing your experiences.

  9. I find myself just sitting and staring at Stirha! I worked on her on the road and the sunlight showed me the gorgeous underlying blue in the black hat and cape. The beads are genius! the colors and the way the greens interplay is absolutely gorgeous! And, the way her skirt has turned out with the oranges is incredible as well. If I had just looked at the threads, I never would have thought that composite stitch would be so beautiful!!

    Maybe I am under a spell because I haven't touched my work in days, but it is in front of me and I just keep admiring it as the work of art it is!! I LOVE these colors, and stitches!!!!!

    bravo Amy!!
