
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Gloriana Lorikeet and the House

I am getting reading to stitch the front of the Haunted House. The principle thread for this is Gloriana Lorikeet. This is a variegated wool and is produced in a wide range of colors and hues. I've seen Amy use it for bargello patterns and it works up beautifully. I want to share Amy's tip for stranding this thread, as it is unique. If you are participating in this home study you already have this tip. But I would like to share it with followers and encourage them to purchase some and try it in a project. So here it is.

"(The) Lorikeet can be hard to strip. It is 9 strands of 100% wool and can be slightly felted in the overdying process. On the first 2 or 3 strands to be stripped out of the group, pull about 3" - 4" out of the bundle and then straighten the thread. Repeat this short stripping process rather than trying to pull the entire strip out without straightening or you will get a tangle."

So the front of the house will be like the roof in that it is based on the design and stitch diagram Amy has given us. But you can use your own judgement and creativity when placing some of the light or dark green threads. What this also means is that there is no wrong way to create you house. Each one will be unique to the stitcher and the dye lot. So get both sets of threads needled up and begin. It helps to turn your canvas 1/4 so you can more easily lay your threads.

If you haven't been using a laying tool up to this point, this will be an excellent way to learn, as the front of the house requires us to lay two threads side by side. You can use a BLT, (best laying tool), or a very large needle or pin. Read more about the BLT here.

Don't get overwhelmed. Just take one window at a time.


  1. Alright, I am about to start casting spells on the mailman! Some poor delivery man is going to start growing warts in some very unfortunate places unless I get my canvas soon!!

  2. Janstone,

    Where do you live? Call the shop and ask for the package to be tracked. I hate it that you haven't received the package yet.

  3. Hi Peggy, I'm in Canada, just outside Toronto.. so I expect it's held up in customs somewhere. Could the coffin resemble a rifle box perhaps.. ;) I find it takes about 2 weeks on a normal basis, sometimes slower. But seeing all this lovely stitching is just a tease.

    Carry on... I shall suffer in silence.... sniff.

  4. Oh, we mustn't suffer. Maybe we can con Jill into sending yours earlier if all the stuff is in. Look at it this way, you will learn from our mistakes!

  5. Great advice, Peggy. I feel more calm already. Hugs to Jan up in Canada.

  6. Oh, Look, Peggy. There are 9 Followers. And there have been 4961 Visitors. How exciting is that!

  7. There are at least two other "coffins" at US/Canadian customs!!

    Lisa and Susan join Jan in our excitement and frustration. With all the buzz of the blog, it is so hard to be watching from the sidelines.

    I love the idea of sending the Canadian shipment out earlier if possible. What is Jill's weakness? Chocolates? Flowers?
