
Friday, February 12, 2010

Color Tip

Hi Guys,

I love the shading of the overdyed thread we are using in the Haunted House.  I wanted to control the light and dark areas on the house.  So on the right side of the second story I put a row of the lightest color combination down the center between the windows.  Then I will work out to the edges, trying to place the darkest threads on the edges.  I will let you know how it turns out.

Keep Stitching!


  1. You're really moving along on this project. It's such a neat canvas and you're doing a beautiful job. I'm enjoying following.

  2. There are definite benefits to having my canvas arrive late. Your tips are going to be invaluable.

    Thank God for the Olympics. Watching the competitions think will allow me to catch up. I should finish the roof this weekend and be able to start the walls next week. (and you were right... the shingles look great. I think it pays to hold off judgement until a chunk is completed)

    Thanks again,

  3. I'm so glad you like the roof. And Polly at the shop taught me to not rip out a mistake right away cuz you may end up liking it. I think we will all get a lot of stitching done during the Olympics. Oh Canada!

  4. I love this blog. What a good way to keep the enthusiasm up and have your questions answered before you ask them. Way to go, Peggy!!!

    I am still doing shingles and have to admit I was concerned at first and I just followed the directions and I love the way they are turning out. A section at a time is such a good tip and read those directions a few times. I am itching to get to start a wall. Hopefully Sunday evening or Monday. Either way, I am having a blast.

    Thanks for the pictures and the hints.

    Sue VanderNoor

  5. Yes, please everybody don't be shy about asking questions. That's why we're here. We will all learn new things together.
