
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Welcome to our Halloweenies Blog

Hi Everybody.
Christmas is nearing, but we're thinking about Halloween.
We are venturing in to the Blog world. These are exciting times!

Our first project is the "Halloweenies," the newest Kelly Clark Needlepoint collection available to Needlepoint Shops in January 2010. Amy Bunger's next Home Study is the Halloweenies: a Haunted House and 8 Characters; beginning February 2010. You can read more about the Halloweenies Home Study release dates on Amy's website,

We will have photos showing our progress as we stitch. Any trouble shooting or helpful hints we discover? We will mention it in the Blog as well as in the Tips section. This will help us as much as it will help you. It's our Needlepoint Study Hall.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peggy!

    I am so excited you will be blogging the Halloweenies' home study---how fun!! Now, we can all meet at the same caudron for our lessons. you know some of us are known for not completing our studies--maybe I will keep up this way! I sure don't want any spells going awry in my home!

    please link my blog...(I think I only have about 3 followers-sigh!), and I love knowing someone is reading what I write!

    So, I hear we are building our house first--a good foundation is impt. We have to get all those rusted pipes installed, and make sure we get just the right shade of green paint. I wonder what the paint color is---bet someone can come up with a great name for that sickly green color!

    I love the preview, and love Robin's work on Katt! Ha...just got the name -- i am a little slow on these. but, then the "aha" hits!!

    happy new yr!!
    Kathy Wommack
